Posted inGeneral

The Opportunity Society: My response

From pages 10 to 17 of the DA manifesto: Image notes: Page 12, yet more photographic proof that the DA has supporters of colour. SCHOOLS School education lies at the heart of the open, opportunity society … and set clear performance targets. Agreeably radical subsidiarity will resolve most of the issues originating from differential contexts, […]

Posted inGeneral

Trust me

Do you have faith in internet content? As search marketing soars, insidious content spammers are overwhelming and choking the net. Only a return to value will restore the balance. I love Seth Godin. Who doesn’t? The best-selling author and Business Week’s “ultimate entrepreneur for the information age” is a smart guy. A genius who tells […]

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What’s colour to a blind man?

As a UCT student in ’88, I once lived in a commune which included a blind man. His name was Ivan and we often chatted in the kitchen while we made our separate lunches. Once Ivan said to me, “I went to see a movie the other week in Claremont, it was really interesting”. “Oh, […]

Posted inLifestyle

An exciting week …

… for those who live in Cape Town and are interested in design of every shape and colour. Yip, it’s Design Indaba week — beginning with the conference on Wednesday (Thursday, Friday) and with the expo carrying on all weekend. You might remember I blogged about the expo last year, all I remember is being […]

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Africa’s socio-economic conundrum

Things could get worse. The world economy is at a crossroads again, if not in a mess. As some have said before, certain challenges present opportunities — this is, in my view, one of those challenges (ie the current global financial crisis), which presents another opportune moment for humanity as a whole. The gist of […]