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Getting it wrong 101: Durban name changes

When Schabir Shaik eventually recovers from his terrible (let’s hope it’s not terminal, eh?) illness and re-enters Durban social life, he won’t find quite the same place he left. A lot has happened during his brutal 28-month stint in that private ward. For one thing, it’s been raining for months on end, not only aggravating […]

Posted inNews/Politics

When philanthropy and politics mix

What happens if you have given a donation to a public benefit organisation and then find it is using its resources to support a political party? Gift of the Givers, an aid organisation that operates in South Africa and internationally, has been criticised for providing goods such as blankets and food parcels worth more than […]

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Cosatu’s hate speech Constitution?

“Let me clarify one thing. I hate no Jew (for that matter a great admirer of Ronnie Kasrils, Steven Friedman and other millions of Jews who refuse to be silenced on the basis of their nationality by Zionists) and organised a march not to anyone’s neighbourhood, but to offices of an organisation that I considered […]

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Getting those creative copyrights right

Creative Commons licences are a set of copyright licences that enable copyright holders to mark their creative work with the freedom they want it to carry. By specifying what kinds of reuse you will allow by default (non-commercial or commercial reuse, the production and dissemination of derivatives, translations etc) Creative Commons allows copyright holders who […]

Posted inNews/Politics

SABC crisis deepens

The crisis at the SABC seems to literally deepen by the hour as it haemorrhages money like a crazed gambler at the slot machines, drives out its most talented performers and continues to bolster its reputation as a crude propaganda organ of the ruling party. In the space of a few days: • Cosatu has […]

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Is our democracy unravelling?

When Zapiro caused an uproar last year with his now notorious cartoon depicting Jacob Zuma about to take the lead in gang-raping a woman representing Justice, it said two things about the state of South African democracy. On the positive side, where else but in a true democracy would a newspaper be allowed to get […]