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Cashing in on 2010, legally

The appointment of a new chief justice, the ongoing Western Cape Judge President John Hlophe saga and a number of high-profile court cases may have dominated the legal headlines in recent weeks, but a dispute over a key-ring has served notice of things to come in the build-up to the 2010 World Cup. Fifa is […]

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New media…same old bias

Samuel Johnson argued that “he who voluntarily continues ignorant is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces”. As someone who hungers for as much information about as many things possible, I have a particular disgust for ignorance, particularly wilful ignorance. Like Vittorio, I too fear ignorance more than I fear death. However, even more […]

Posted inNews/Politics

I voted for Mbeki

“This is quite interesting … we think of white people who ‘never supported apartheid’. You find in the ANC that no one supported Mbeki.” (Columnist and academic Jacob Dlamini.) Dlamini was addressing an audience at the annual Ruth First lecture in Johannesburg alongside Frene Ginwala, the ANC veteran and former speaker of Parliament. Although the […]

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Brawn or brains: Whither policing in SA?

The recent appointment of Bheki Cele as police commissioner has once again brought the persistently high levels of crime to the fore. Despite some substantial improvements, SAPS are struggling to get a handle on the crime situation. As has become par for the course, Cele has publicly adopted an aggressive approach to crime including his […]

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Close the border

Last weekend I made my customary annual road trip up north to Zambia through Zimbabwe. Starting off at the crack of dawn, it was a glorious drive on the N1 during that time of early morning when the breaking light of a new day slowly takes over a landscape wrapped in the fading darkness. With […]

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Boesak, an ‘accidental politician’ peddling deliberate distortions?

I’ve just read Alan Boesak’s recently published “reflections” on the anti-apartheid struggle and the challenges that continue to confront us as a society. While he reflects some interesting perspectives on the nature of the struggle, the resolution of the political conflict and the character of post-apartheid South Africa, it seems to me that the esteemed […]

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Something is wrong, very wrong

You know that numinous, uncomfortable feeling you get when you sense that something is very wrong? It kind of ties a knot in your belly just below your breastbone and sometimes even hurts at your temples and between your shoulder blades. Your brows involuntarily furrow and your eyes widen as your pulse quickens. And what’s […]