Posted inNews/Politics

And the winner is…

Some say the ANC’s annual January statement read out by the president on Saturday was long and boring. What kind of assessment is that? Where were these people when brother Moammar Gadaffi caused his own interpreter to collapse with exhaustion after speaking for 94 minutes at the UN last September? And what about the young […]

Posted inGeneral

A multifaceted mirror for individuals (2)

In my previous post, I reconstructed Kierkegaard’s aesthetic model for existence briefly, pointing out the implications this way of living has for human relationships and for one’s sense of identity. This is not unproblematic, of course. Hence the rejoinder, on Kierkegaard’s part, to the implicit claims made by the pseudonymous A in praise of the […]

Posted inLifestyle

Doctor, doctor

By T Osiame Molefe Hello…my name is Osiame and I am a self-diagnosed chronic cyberchondriac. *Pause for group reply* It has been a day since I googled my last set of symptoms. Needless to say, despite the radiating headache and short-term memory loss, I discovered that I do not suffer from encephalitis as I self-diagnosed. […]

Posted inLifestyle

Do you have a favourite toilet?

The number of page hits that certain blog posts get on this website would suggest that Thought Leader readers like to read about the government, politics and how everything is going wrong, wrong, wrong with the ANC. You, the reader, want to discuss Zuma, Malema and those okes. Well, terribly sorry to disappoint. This isn’t […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The war on counterfeit drugs

By Franklin Cudjoe and Julian Harris Deadly new mutations of diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis threaten over half the world’s population, the World Health Organisation and the Gates Foundation warned recently. One major culprit is counterfeit and substandard drugs that can provoke mutations that resist real medicines. Crackdowns, however, do not address the cause. […]