Posted inNews/Politics

It’s still the same damn zebra!

We have all experienced this at one time or another. The moment of truth in a troublesome relationship. That pivotal point in time when you look into someone’s eyes or see someone do something in a certain way and you have a sudden, explosive intuitive insight into that person’s character. And, after months, possibly years, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

In defence of the youth fest

By Janet Jobson It’s a bugbear of mine that South Africans seem to have a very low opinion of our youth. We’re not alone in this. Young people worldwide, and especially in the developing world, seem to loom in the popular imagination as unruly forces that must be tamed: they are uneducated, violent, apathetic, materialistic, […]

Posted inMedia

How do we change a culture?

There’s been a significant culture shift in Joburg over the past year or so. Perhaps you’ve noticed it too. For the first time in my experience, Joburgers are taking drunk driving seriously. Suddenly, behaviour is changing and people who used to drive blotto without thinking twice are now signing up for taxi services. Why? This […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Class and Jimmy Manyi

It’s, more often than not, a particular sort of person that says that kind of thing. I’m not referring to Jimmy Manyi’s comments about “coloureds” but to his use of the economic phrase “over-supply”. He could have been discoursing about barrels of oil, or bushels of wheat, or any other commodity but he was talking […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Through the haze of that race cloud

My biggest fear in entering the debate about Jimmy Manyi’s comments on coloured people is that I will be seen as a coloured person speaking about coloured issues. My fear is that, because of this, my views will not be taken seriously. Unfortunately, our post-apartheid society has become so racialised that we no longer look […]

Posted inGeneral

Timing of Manyi outrage suspicious

Much has been made of the scathing letter addressed to Black Management Forum leader Jimmy Manyi by Trevor Manuel, the minister of national planning. Noted academic and analyst Adam Habib surmised as much yesterday saying “strategic calculations are being made about the Western Cape. I cannot imagine that he has not consulted widely on this […]