Posted inNews/Politics

Lash those name-givers!

A few years ago, at a conference in the Middle East, I met a man called Mustapha (which is another name for the Prophet Muhammad). Interesting guy, Mustapha. Passionate about social justice issues, outspoken against Islamophobia, strident critic of Israeli occupation, a strong believer in equal rights. But … someone needs to take Mustapha’s parents […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Women love Zuma?

The ANC Women’s League’s endorsement of Jacob Zuma for the party’s presidency is mind-boggling. I just can’t fathom it. I acknowledge that the body can and should support whomever it wants. People accusing the league of missing an opportunity to give a woman a fighting chance at the top seat are blithely missing the fact […]

Posted inNews/Politics

JZ ≠ democracy?

Since Jacob Zuma has come out tops in most provinces in the nomination race for the ANC presidency earlier this week, many of my colleagues, relatives and friends have voiced their concern about what will become of this country. Some said they will leave the country if JZ becomes president; others decided they will not […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The politics of redistribution

What does it mean to govern effectively in a highly unequal society? The African National Congress answer to this question is that governing is about “advancing the national democratic revolution”. At its essence, the NDR is about changing social and economic conditions created under apartheid, through tackling structural nature of poverty, inequality and unemployment. There […]