Posted inNews/Politics

Apartheid is real

“… the establishment of the Palestinian state is not our Nakba, or disaster — provided that upon its establishment the word ‘Nakba’ be deleted from the Arabic lexicon in referring to Israel.” This is from the address by Tzipi Livni at Annapolis. The Nakba means the “catastrophe” and refers to the expulsion and dispossession of […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Christmas in a mass of crime

In case anyone’s wondering why South Africa is losing the battle against crime, here are some telling pointers from my local law-enforcement agency in Worcester. The town, like most others in South Africa, has a massive rate of house-breaks and car thefts. Every week you hear of a house that’s been burgled in your neighbourhood. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A return to realism

I’ve been in the US on holiday for the past few weeks, and although I’ve kept a distant eye on things from overseas, I am interested to note the distinct rise in political tension since my departure, drawn from the regional voting for the succession nominations. Funnily enough, it mirrors some aspects of what is […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A look at the leadership

Having gained notoriety last year for our fairly tame “unauthorised” documentary film on Thabo Mbeki, it’s a bit of an anti-climax to finish our most recent film on the ANC succession race, Through the Eye of a Needle, and to realise that there’s no one to ban us this time. Undoubtedly this film would be […]