My area of interest is that big word “philanthropy”. We in South Africa take the thousands of organisations that contribute to our democracy for granted. They provide relief and welfare, they educate, they create jobs, they build, they research, they publish, they contribute towards policy, they advocate, they contest and they help ensure that we […]
Is Mr John Minto a true ‘friend of the natives’?
This has to be said. So I am going to say it: Mr John Minto is not a true “true friend of the natives!” The time to call some self-proclaimed false “friends of the natives” to order is now. It is not surprising that few African public intellectuals have taken Minto to task for his […]
Simba Makoni: A glimpse of hope
I am excited about the hope that springs out of Dr Simba Makoni’s bold and brave decision to stand up and be counted. This is by far the best prospect for change that Zimbabweans have been presented with in a very long time. It would be catastrophic if we let this opportunity slip again. Until […]
Deeply disturbing premises
Last week, George Lekgetho, when arguing for the legalisation of prostitution for the 2010 World Cup, said: “It is one of the things that would make it [the tournament] a success because we hear of many rapes, because people don’t have access to them [women].” Statements like this one confirm all my worst fears about […]
How the US elections work (part one)
If you are confused by primaries, caucuses, electoral votes and delegate votes, join most Americans in your frustrations. Forget “one man, one vote”, and take an aspirin while you sift through the confusion. Here is a brief synopsis: There are obviously two main political parties in the US: Republican and Democrats. The election process begins […]
Education in crisis: Are parents doing enough?
This week’s Talkback question on the Mail & Guardian Online: Education in crisis: Are parents doing enough?
The polar-bear plot
The US Fish & Wildlife Service is considering listing the polar bear as a threatened species, under that country’s Endangered Species Act. This is an underhanded ploy by evil environmentalists.
Racists, Eskom and why I don’t want to put the boot in
The wave of racist comments around Eskom and its — and by extension the government’s — incapacity to manage things has abated a little in my life. I liked the timing of one person’s comment — with the news of the blackouts, and Kenya’s troubles, someone turned to me and exclaimed about Africa’s inability to […]
Real transformation requires protection of sex workers
I wonder what ANC MP George Lekgetho made of weekend reports that a sex worker was challenging the fairness of her dismissal by her employer in the Labour Court. Lekgetho rightly got into serious trouble for his sexist statement last week that prostitution should be legalised for the 2010 World Cup because “that would make […]
The headscarf girls
As a Muslim woman, I have often been asked if I would ever consider “covering up”. In my late teens and early 20s, my response was almost always a headstrong and “feminist” NO. I was motivated by my belief that Islam meant more than just your outward appearance. I also felt that such a decision […]
Why the Scorpions should go
Submitted by Kaizer Mohau I have for some time now been investigating the rationale behind the sudden outburst by the opposition and lunatic academic professors of the capitalist school of thinking regarding the integration of the Scorpions into the South African Police Service. To dissolve the Scorpions is a conference resolution taken by the ANC, […]
An American Tuesday
Today is a big day in American presidential politics, as partisan voters in 21 states choose their preferred candidates for their party’s presidential nomination. The Republicans are running the reactionary tweedles against the Neanderthal tweedles. In the race for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party, meanwhile, it has been infuriating watching Hillary Clinton speechify […]