Submitted by Bernhard Gaede A few years ago I visited a small clinic in a remote area that had been waiting for more than a year for a telephone connection. In the discussion with the sister in charge, she told me that the technician had told her that “it could not be done faster”, giving […]
The pain of being right
The worst part about being a “pessimist” is you keep being proved right. I’m pretty sure that deep down inside this “pessimist” is an optimist crying to get out. He only needs a motive — not an alibi or an excuse or empty promises or false comparisons or even options. Just a valid motive. Like […]
Blacks can use the K-word and whites can’t?
Had Irvin Khoza been a white person, he would be out of a job by now for using the K-word. Finish and klaar.
Turning the tables on terrorism
Submitted by Janet Jobson The 9/11 terrorist attacks were a defining point for our generation, one of those “where were you when …” moments that will be discussed around dinner tables for decades to come. Looking back over the global shifts that have occurred in response to 9/11 and subsequent attacks, I feel we might […]
‘False face must hide what false heart doth know.’ (Macbeth Act 1 Sc 7)
Johannesburg — The rand was more than 3% weaker against the dollar in late trade on Wednesday after Finance Minister Trevor Manuel’s budget speech in Parliament. The rand weakened to a 16-month worst level of R7,9225 a dollar — after closing at R7,6625 on Tuesday — with traders predicting the local currency could break above […]
Roberto Mangabeira Unger: Social theorist/politician
(I have been working on this for a while for my studies, but seeing as Minister Trevor Manuel is quoting Roberto Mangabeira Unger in the 2008/09 budget, I thought it appropriate to get this blog done, even though I still need to think about this much more.) And what we seek, then, as the final […]
Fidel Castro, global economic adviser?
Fidel Castro, struggle hero and inspirational leader of the poor and oppressed of the world, has stepped down as President of Cuba after almost 50 years of heroic leadership. Under his leadership, Cuba has been a shining symbol of hope for the workers and poor people of the world. The government has consistently put the […]
Why I am not a rural doctor
I was destined by accident of birth to work in a rural hospital. My grandfather was a missionary doctor who founded and built a Church of Scotland mission hospital in Venda. He was quite literally the hero of the family. Having already been awarded a DSc in botany and well on his way to an […]
Free newsletters from the African Union summit
I didn’t know what else to do with these created newsletter things. Posting it on a forum shared by writers and readers from and beyond one of Africa’s strongest nations with hectic identity issues and self-loathing seemed optional. And opted for YES, did I, without much doubt or second-guessing what the repercussions could mean for […]
White supremacists, begone!
Finally, we know the filthy crevices from which they launch their forays. Now we know the pseudonyms by which they go, which organisations they belong to, and what they believe in. I’m talking about the white supremacist scum who hang out here on ThoughtLeader.
Budget 2008: What’s your take on it?
This week’s Talkback question on the Mail & Guardian Online: Budget 2008: What’s your take on it?
Budget 2008/09: Can the Polokwane Strawman win the war against poverty?
The boisterous rotating arms that signalled a need for substitution, a 60:40 split in the voting for national office-bearers and the fact that leftist formations had backed the winning ticket all signalled that something has changed during the ANC Polokwane’s conference. Whatever has changed has spurred on many private-sector commentators and lobbyists to begin the […]