If actions speak louder than words, the relinquishing of power by white South Africa in 1994 was worth far more than the mere mouthing of an apology by “whites” in 2008. Knee-jerk responses should always be regarded with cynicism, and the call this week for whites to say sorry for apartheid — in the wake […]
Racist South Africans retreat to apart-hate
South Africans are racist as naturally as roses bloom. A struggle in which thousands were murdered, tortured, detained and persecuted to ensure a non-racial, non-sexist country appears meaningless to those who now preach the politics of exclusion, whether in right-wing journalist fora, universities or the workplace. More disturbing is seeing young people, the children of […]
Separatism, federalism or multiculturalism?
Whatever disgust I felt at the conduct of the Forum of Black Journalists, it paled into insignificance when compared with the animals from the University of the Free State. Whatever drove those morons to carry out this latest outrage is irrelevant. They have to face criminal charges. Didn’t your mommies teach you basic human decency? […]
Is there a coloured identity?
Some media forms work better than others for different things. For instance, it is difficult to describe a song in writing because one can only appreciate its nuances when one is listening to it. In the same way, it is probably impossible to try to have a debate about something as complex as “coloured identity” […]
Minister loses children
“Where they are going we don’t know,” says the minister of education about the kids in grades 10, 11 and 12 missing from school. She lost them? Seriously? She should have a chat with the minister of finance. He knows why those kids are not in school. Many 14- to 17-year-olds are not school-goers precisely […]
Of racists, kaffirs and coconuts (part one)
It has always been my assertion that the phenomenon we call human intelligence is as real as Santa Claus, leprechauns, tokoloshes and a politician’s conscience. Yes, yes, I’m generalising, but I think it’s a fair generalisation if it is true for the rule. Bugger the exception. One feature of human beings that illustrates this is […]
Zuma adds to national depression
Adding to the national depression is the news that the president of the ANC and the putative next president of our country, Jacob Zuma, has approached the courts of a fellow SADC member, Mauritius, slagging off President Thabo Mbeki and our institutions, accusing him of using the National Prosecuting Authority to engineer a political conspiracy […]
Unlike a rose, ‘kaffir’ does NOT smell the same to black and white
Township blacks will not say the precise moment when it hit them, but it was a good few days after township “klever” Irvin Khoza allegedly made a booboo by calling a black journalist a “kaffir”. Slow thinkers that they are, they have now started noticing that the wise guys who protest too much about Khoza’s […]
US on the brink of its first black president; SA sweating on its third
Isn’t it ironic that the United States, thought to be at least a couple of elections away from being ready to accept its first black president, stands on the brink of doing just that while South Africa, with its 70% black majority, is sweating on the candidate chosen by the ANC for our next president? […]
Zuma FBJ briefing: The row should be about secrecy, not race
The Forum of Black Journalists is welcome to choose whoever it likes to attend its meetings. Black, white or blue. It’s a free country. But no journalists, of whatever hue, should be in the business of organising off-the-record briefings with political leaders. Wasn’t anything learnt from the infamous 2003 Bulelani Ngcuka briefing that caused enormous […]
Cognitive dissonance of Chancellor House audit
Jon Qwelane’s column of February 18 2008, “Batten the hatches of escape”, expresses his concern — and no little anger — at the number of people, particularly those with skills, who are leaving South Africa. He asks whether it is not possible, on the one hand, for the government to make it more difficult for […]
Sex, morality and mortality
I don’t care how famous or infamous somebody is, what they do in the privacy of their or other people’s bedrooms, or for that matter on beaches, kitchen tables or in the loos on jumbo jets, ought to have no bearing on their ability to star in a movie or run a country. But it does make for great reading.