Posted inNews/Politics

Is anybody advising our president?

I don’t pretend to know anything about politics. In fact, I generally avoid it like the plague, leaving it to those who are passionate about it to comment on the folly of politicians. But I can’t help wondering what on earth is going on in Thabo Mbeki’s head. Perhaps someone can explain his point of […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Games over, free Tibet

‘Games over, Free Tibet’ is one of the really good slogans coming out of the Free Tibet campaign. The campaign has got a lot of press recently. Mostly, of course, because of the useful insistence of the Chinese on parading the Olympic flame through cities in which there are a bunch of Tibetan exiles and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

More Manto than Manto

It’s really hard to take anything Peggy Nkonyeni says seriously. As MEC for Health in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), home to about one in four people living with HIV in South Africa and the epicentre of the global extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB epidemic, Nkonyeni is the epitome of arrogance, incompetence and malevolence. Every time she opens […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zimbabwe: Observers out! Bob’ll fix it…

As Zimbabwe fluctuates between glimmers of hope brought about by international and South African pressure on Robert Mugabe, and despair brought about by the SADC and certain other South Africans preaching quiet diplomacy, one man remains steadfast to his principles — Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This giant of the southern hemisphere has been unwavering in his […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Beware the alchemists

Last night, I found a neatly printed-out and stapled copy of Beware the Alchemists, by Ludwig von Mises. It is surprisingly accessible. It takes an initially complex topic, encrusted with 100 years of Keynesian pollution and toxic government waste, and turns it into something simple and intuitive. I wish I had learned what I understand of interest rates and monetary policy, and what inflation really is, from this text.

Posted inNews/Politics

Black whingeing and the FBJ

The Forum of Black Journalists (FBJ) malarkey has recently provided a counter to so–called “white whingeing”. That counter is the emergence and increasing prevalence of “black whinging” and the volume is creeping ever steadily upwards. How rainbow. The recent BJF ruling has been a rallying point; a target in stocks on the village square for […]