Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Homecoming revolution?

“Many South Africans are leaving the country.” “South Africa is experiencing a brain-drain, as many (especially white) professionals are leaving the country.” “Many South Africans are living abroad nowadays.” “Crime is driving South Africans out of their own country.” “If Zuma becomes president, I am leaving South Africa.” Above are just some of the comments […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Point taken? No point!

Picture this. A rep, late for an appointment in the next town, gets caught doing 143 km/h in a 120 zone. The fine’s supposed to be R750, but the cop seems a little reluctant to start writing. Finally, he broaches the subject of “breakfast.” He and his partner, he says, don’t feel like all the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The myth of overpopulation

As the food price crisis deepens, many commentators are pointing the finger of blame at overpopulation. Apparently, the real problem is the “human plague”: all those teeming, swarming billions of people in China, India and elsewhere, who are wolfing down so much meat and rice that food production methods have gone into meltdown. It’s time, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Xenophobia: The environmental causes

Firstly, let’s clarify what the term “environment” means. Long gone are the days when environment simply referred to fauna and flora. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, the slogan “sustainable development” referred to a triangular relationship between people, planet and prosperity — giving each an equal importance. More recently this understanding has […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A country without future?

I had a long conversation with a small group of unemployed youths a few days ago. Young people in their early 20s, who are supposed to have a long, bright future ahead of them. At least theoretically. These guys were not so sure about that though. They were actually quite angry. Jaded already before they […]