Posted inNews/Politics

Harassed in Hebron

It seemed perfectly scripted if one had wanted to embarrass the settlers: a peaceful walk to the Tomb of the Patriarchs that gets disrupted by armed zealots and the unjustifiable arrest of peace activists, all done in the presence of a host of photographers. Except that our intention in visiting Hebron was simply to observe […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Can we trust the West, IMF, World Bank, etc?

According to John Perkins in his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, the United States of America, “funnels money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign ‘aid’ organisations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources.” […]

Posted inNews/Politics

South Africa: A developmental state?

Referring to South Africa and/or South Africans, Pusch Commey (in the July 2008 issue of NewAfrican) argues that ‘the trouble is with a massive psychologically-scarred population left behind by a psychologically-devastating system – apartheid’. This is probably one of the few very direct appraisals of the challenges that face us as a country and the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zimbabwe: G8 is racist? Not so bright, Matonga

“Zimbabwe’s Government called the G8 statement racist and an insult to African leaders. “They want to undermine the African Union and [South African] President Mbeki’s [mediation] efforts because they are racist, because they think only white people think better,” said the Deputy Information Minister, Bright Matonga. “It’s an insult to African leaders.” The Times As […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No wonder Zuma is silent

Julius Malema’s ‘kill for Zuma’ comments managed to turn yawns into wide-mouthed dismay for even the most jaded amongst us. With Mugabe terrorizing his own and the attacks on foreign African nationals (aka xenophobic attacks) still fresh in our minds, the comments seemed rather callous to say the least. The book (not the Bible, rather […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Unravelling the Zimbabwe problem

It has long been suggested by many that Mugabe cannot rig the economy. It is an interesting but unconvincing argument. The complexity of the Zimbabwe problem is one which we may only fully understand with the benefit of hindsight, assuming all the pieces of the puzzle fit together in our lifetimes. It was the economy, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Mbeki from Kigali to Harare

If you’re like me, then much of your school life was spent in front of the principal explaining why you did the wrong thing even though you knew better. Of course, in those days we were in for a good hiding, while today’s little shnookums are untouchable. Shame. Anyhow it got me thinking about two […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

To BEE or not to BEE?

The brouhaha surrounding the Pretoria High Court’s ruling to reclassify South African-born Chinese (pre-1994) as coloured is turning into a “broken telephone” message — ironically, also known as a “Chinese whisper”. When viewed from outside the country, the issue would seem quite farcical, if only it were not so tragic. The nitpicking and mud-slinging that […]