Posted inNews/Politics

Khulumani: Serving whose interests?

On April 8 2009 Judge Shira Scheindlin of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York granted Khulumani Support Group and others permission to proceed with litigation against corporations accused of aiding the apartheid government to perpetrate crimes against humanity. This non-governmental organisation is submitting claims against multinational giants such as General […]

Posted inNews/Politics

SAA and Acsa’s secret 10 commandments finally unearthed

Having spent two-and-a-half hours wandering, lost, dazed, misdirected and alone, through the confusing labyrinthine catacombs of Ortia (m.c.k.a. Johannesburg International Airport) last night, I beg some wealthy and wise entrepreneur to urgently begin marketing a “Survivor SA” kit to save body, sanity and soul. The airport ordeal followed a horrendous 110-minute hellride from the West […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Accountability is on the march

Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s inane giggle (testified to by those who have seen him up close and nervous) came straight to mind when I read the Presbyterian-sounding judgement of Kenny MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Secretary. The ruling paved the way for the stomach-churning scenes of Lockerbie bomber Mr al-Megrahi returning to a hero’s welcome in Tripoli. […]