Posted inNews/Politics

Let’s jerk off to climate change

If you haven’t blogged, made a poster, built a sand castle or ran naked through the streets screaming “the climate changers are coming”, then you’re quite a tough cookie aren’t you? If you haven’t switched off the lights and sat in the dark or considered organic eggs or experimented with recycled bath water in your […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zille zeitgeist?

“Premier appoints all male cabinet”, “All male cabinet is a betrayal of women” ranted the headlines in May. I am writing, of course, of the headlines in Britain’s newspapers when Margaret Hilda Thatcher, a grocer’s daughter, appointed an all-male cabinet thirty-years-ago. When Helen Zille was to do exactly the same in May of this year, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Blood milk

What is the colour of milk these days? Red maybe? It is white of course, unless your supplies are flowing straight out of Grace Mugabe’s dairy farm, so says the rabid press and thousands of citizens of that cyberspace community known as Facebook. Zimbabwe’s first lady has in recent weeks been the subject of her […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Sakhile’s empty victory

Retired former liberation heroes (like Nelson Mandela) and struggle stalwarts now turned into government ministers (like Trevor Manuel) cannot enjoy the sight of upheavals like those in Sakhile township near Standerton, Mpumalanga or Khutsong in Carltonville. Can you believe the number of disgruntled people who want the world to believe that our democratic government is […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The creativity of terror

We’ve all seen those videos on the news where Osama bin Laden speaks, delivering messages about blowing stuff up, the evilness of this or that person, calling this nation or that nation the scourge of the planet and threatening them with a painful death and imminent destruction. The ones that really set his place in […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Join the Jansen-bashing queue

The gloss of Professor Jonathan Jansen’s inauguration as vice-chancellor of the University of the Free State has been taken off by the resounding criticism of his decision to drop charges against the “Reitz Residence” students. Four students were suspended when a 2007 video came to light where they were humiliating five staff at their residence. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

We must resist the hypnotic allure of populist politics

Politics have existed for as long as social classes became pronounced in every fabric of human existence. During the aristocratic age the privileged minorities presided over those considered lowly in the pecking order of society while under democracy we have been duped to believe that the lowly masses exercise power through their elected representatives. Democracy […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The media invented Malema

Julius Malema is fast becoming a national treasure: the pantomime’s grand dame of South African politics. He is also, unwittingly, a fabulous source of national unity: he draws us all altogether in mirth, condemnation and embarrassment. Yet, I am convinced the media have, largely, invented Malema’s personae with our connivance. It is a shame that […]