Posted inNews/Politics

ANCYL has too much rabble, too few radicals

Though it is easy to understand how the ANCYL might fail to appreciate the impact of their repeated threats to bring nationalisation to South African mining, what is incomprehensible is their continued calls for violence in Cape Town over the toilets issue when the Grabouw and Gugulethu wards clearly demonstrated that their efforts are undermining […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zapiro vs The Prophet

The recent fracas surrounding Zapiro’s drawing of the Prophet Muhammad has predictably culminated in the usual death threats from irate Muslims. Both the cartoonist and the newspaper’s editor apparently have to die for daring to express their opinion in a theoretically free country. I think it may be worth examining both why Zapiro decided to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Cope must rein in the spoilers

And then the ANC begat Cope which begat Cope-Lite and Cope-Cherry which all got into a Bugatti and flew overseas to spend their parliamentary allowance at Euro Disney before returning home to rejoin the ANC, DA or a partridge in a pear tree. When the Congress of the People party was formed in 2008 by […]

Posted inNews/Politics

There is no Zapiro, only Zuul

If you haven’t sniggered, burped or laughed at the recent Zapiro-Muslim cartoon debacle then you probably had a very pleasant weekend. Other citizens with real jobs, like the Mail & Guardian crew, fielded threats all morning on Friday from irate Muslims incensed by Zapiro’s latest offering depicting their Prophet as a psycho-case needing therapy for […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zapiro a rebel with one too many causes

In what is going to be considered a highly controversial move the National Press Club (NPC) on Sunday called for a meeting between Jonathan Shapiro, the Mail & Guardian and Muslim leaders to discuss the cartoon that has angered the Muslim community. According to NPC chairperson Yusuf Abramjee: “The media needs to be sensitive to […]