Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

The international press and investors are onto us

There are a host of factors affecting investment decisions that governments cannot control. Think of natural resource endowments, proximity to major markets, the climate or even inherited developmental legacies. With our global economy’s sustained dependence on oil and gas, surpluses of these commodities to export may still ensure countries certain advantages in attracting foreign direct […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No Mass, please, we’re British!

“God and religion are two very very different things.” — Sinead O’Connor on Sky News (September 15 2010). With this simple sentence, the manifest of the Post-Religionist generation was posted on the billboard of human consciousness. This simple statement has done for modern spirituality what Martin Luther’s 95 theses, hammered to a church door in […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Constitution v the media tribunal

By Loammi Wolf The ANC’s mooted legislative initiative to create a Media Appeals Tribunal is undeniably causing a furore. That is understandable given the historic background of muzzling the media during the apartheid era. History has shown that authoritarian regimes often come about in a creeping way. Typical indicators are the following: First, the executive […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What do our crime stats mean?

The government has released its latest crime statistics. You can access the full page here. The scary truth is that approximately 2 121 887 serious crimes were committed in the 2009/2010 calendar year. More than 30% of these were contact crimes and more than 25% were property-related crimes. So what does that mean for the ordinary citizen? […]