Posted inNews/Politics

‘People just don’t know this water is bad for you’

By Mara Kardas-Nelson To say that Mariette Liefferink is eccentric is a gross understatement. Before visiting her small Tuscan villa in Randburg, Johannesburg for an 8am Saturday interview, my colleague, photojournalist Sam Reinders, and I had heard of her impeccably matching outfits and over-stuffed house displaying an array of furs, French portrait books, and brandy […]

Posted inNews/Politics

I’m 50 and I’m tired

By Jonathan Marsden (With apologies to Robert A Hall who is the actor playing the coroner on the TV show CSI and who prepared a similar statement regarding the US.) I’m 50 I’ve worked, hard, since I was 18. Despite three self-owned companies failing, being let down by people who should have known better, I […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Block court case: Thumbs up to ANC for expressing confidence in judiciary

The statement released by the African National Congress in respect of the granting of bail to ANC Northern Cape Chairperson John Block should be warmly welcomed. It is a document that every member of the African National Congress Youth League should read after their Northern Cape Youth League attacked National Prosecuting Authority head Menzi Simelane. […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

My greatest fear

There’s a new author that started publishing stuff in America recently. His name is spelt almost exactly like mine, but with the “u” and “i” in a different order: instead of “Koos Kombuis” he calls himself “Koos Kombius”. This is not where the similarities end. He also looks a bit like me: overweight, greying, bald. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Things have changed since 1957

The Sexual Offences Act of 1957 is old, outdated and has been amended. Preliminary findings of a research project presented at the National Working Group on Sexual Offences this week show that the police are blissfully and dangerously unaware of their new roles in relation to the Sexual Offences Act 32 of 2007. The new […]

Posted inNews/Politics

No safe spaces any more

A woman was allegedly raped while working in a hospital. A young girl was allegedly gang-raped and filmed on school property during school hours. Women, girls and boys are raped on their walks to public transport, to their jobs and schools. Men are assaulted walking to and from work, are mugged and beaten. There are […]