Posted inEqualityNews/Politics

Pandora’s box

Tick the appropriate box. White or black or other? Xhosa or Tswana or other? Jewish or Hindu or other? African, European or other? Male, Female or other? In Nepal they recently added a third box for you to tick in the area of gender on their voting registration forms and it’s time to start wondering […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Oh the identity question…

I am against everything Against war and those against War. Against whatever diminishes Th’individuals blind impulse Dambudzo Marechera, The Bar-Stool Edible Worm ——- The ever-lurking identity question, of which we are always aware, but not always attentive, has arisen once again. Indeed it is an entirely relevant one in the present political context demonstrated most […]

Posted inNews/Politics

New beginnings

Now that a decade has ended, it is tempting to go back to the beginning. The beginning goes back to when the first president of the democratic South Africa, Nelson Mandela stepped down. It is not exactly the beginning but it is always useful to focus on some aspect of our history that has a […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The problems with defining #African

By Jason van Niekerk Sentletse Diakanyo is not a journalist, and tells his readers not to unreasonably expect balanced articles. He’s not a scientist either, so apparently we shouldn’t unreasonably expect his cherry-picked wikiscience to accurately reflect human evolution. What he is, though, is a stirrer, and his Thought Leader post “We are not all […]