Posted inNews/Politics

Where are the coloured Guptas?

Let’s face it, “our” coloureds have an image problem. It isn’t really about the fondness for boxed Autumn Harvest, and the curlers at the Waterfront. And it certainly can’t be about smacking down a columnist who served up a few stale caricatures. Or even about the unfortunately phrased utterances of a government functionary. Perhaps it […]

Posted inNews/Politics

It’s still the same damn zebra!

We have all experienced this at one time or another. The moment of truth in a troublesome relationship. That pivotal point in time when you look into someone’s eyes or see someone do something in a certain way and you have a sudden, explosive intuitive insight into that person’s character. And, after months, possibly years, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A rainbow nation built on genocide

By Mario Olckers With the hype surrounding South Africa’s “rainbow nation” and the subsequent disillusionment with the blatant kleptocracy of a small, parasitic black elite, what has been conveniently forgotten and deliberately ignored is the slow genocide of the indigenous San peoples and their descendants in Southern Africa. Also referred to as Bushmen, after the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

In defence of the youth fest

By Janet Jobson It’s a bugbear of mine that South Africans seem to have a very low opinion of our youth. We’re not alone in this. Young people worldwide, and especially in the developing world, seem to loom in the popular imagination as unruly forces that must be tamed: they are uneducated, violent, apathetic, materialistic, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Bigger isn’t always better

By Timothy Nast The argument that fewer, larger local municipalities is the best way to address service-delivery problems is just another way in which the ANC is trying to hide its inefficiency to govern and deliver services. Smaller municipalities are more in touch with their residents and can be held to account for their promises. […]