Posted inNews/Politics

The Fugitive

When Harrison Ford starred in The Fugitive, who would have thought subsequent adaptations of that motion picture would feature the likes of Sadaam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and now, the brother leader himself, Muammar Gadaffi? With each sequel, the plot thickens. On closer reflection however, it would appear that the ever elusive fugitive is not […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The spin cycle gets difficult

It was an iconic moment, one that visually summed up how an instantaneous and ubiquitous media limits officialdom’s space for obfuscation, distortion and lying. Spin is getting harder. Muammar Gaddafi’s information chief, Moussa Ibrahim, was on Sunday addressing a captivate audience of international journalists. Literally captive, since they were confined to Tripoli’s Hotel Rix, allowed […]

Posted inNews/Politics

From the ‘chief slut’ herself…

By Umeshree Govender Some time back, while Facebook-crastinating in the lab, as one does, my friend, Stuart MacDonald sent me a link to an article on SlutWalk Toronto. My initial reaction to the Toronto police officer’s remark that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised” was a rather defiant “Oh […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Top destinations for the discerning asylum seeker

Excellent accommodation and relative peace and quiet — these are the things that appeal to discerning asylum seekers when they consider South Africa. Sure, we have the odd protest from time to time but unlike screaming rebels our revellers mostly sing and dance and the majority of the violence is directed at rubbish bins — […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Strauss-Kahn: What’s French for ‘it’s complicated’?

By Michelle le Roux A few things we all know: survivors of sexual assault should expect to have their sexual histories interrogated for evidence of promiscuity or provocative behaviour. So too the scrutiny of their personal circumstances to demonstrate unreliability, previous instances of “crying wolf” or lack of truthfulness. We’re told to ask these questions […]

Posted inNews/Politics

UCT students bullied into anti-Israeli boycott

By Amanda Ngwenya What is Rael, a group of Israeli students promoting dialogue, came to offer the students at the University of Cape Town (UCT) their perspectives on the conflict in Israel primarily as a response to anti-Israeli activity in South Africa.   The meeting sparked much interest among the student body, especially as a […]

Posted inLifestyleNews/Politics

Why I won’t be at Slutwalk

Nechama Brodie’s column left me cold, fuming and insulted, and that’s the version without the French. I followed her conversation with a few people on Twitter on Sunday and already expected an understandably defensive argument. I did not, however, expect her to equate disagreement with “a stranger groping my breasts in a club, because I […]