Posted inMediaNews/Politics

The rise of bling: What is the artist’s role in society

There’s a trend of new multi-millionaires who throw mega-weddings for public recognition. Tenderpreneurs like Robert Gumede from Mpumalanga, Shauwn Mpisane from KwaZulu-Natal, Fikile Bili from the Orange Free State and recently Limpopo property mogul David Mabilu. The thinking behind this is to make a statement that says “ses’fikile — we have arrived”. Depending on how […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Self-hating black writers — what gives?

There is a dangerous increase in books written by black authors and so-called intellectuals that give a negative portrayal of life under freedom and democracy. One can even judge the content of these by their covers because they, inevitably, have vivid and memorable titles that assault the integrity of the first legitimate and elected black […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Mngxitama and the whiteness debate

By Max Rayneard I’m a white South African, admittedly seated in a coffee shop in upstate New York where I teach African anglophone literature to American students, but wanting desperately to be home. I agree with Andile Mngxitama’s characterisation of whites “dealing” with complicity as something akin to a pastime: something one does now and […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The political mills grind exceedingly small

The contrast could not be starker. While the African National Congress ponders putting their Young Turk up for adoption or yet again smacking his wrist and banishing him to the naughty corner, the opposition has elected theirs as parliamentary leader. The Democratic Alliance’s Lindiwe Mazibuko this week easily ousted her pale male predecessor, Athol Trollip, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Power, Malema and the ANC

Could Foucault’s notion of discourse give one a purchase on South African politics? Indeed, it can, specifically by clarifying the relationship between ANCYL leader Julius Malema and the parent body of the ANC. For Foucault, after the student protests of 1968 one could no longer really believe in the kind of (Althusserian) structuralist Marxist science […]