Posted inNews/Politics

Mandela’s legacy a threat

By Lukhona Mnguni Those of us who are born in July are growingly becoming either miserable or jealous over Madiba. There is hardly a fuss about anyone’s birthday but that of Nelson Mandela’s in July. However, this is not really the main point of protest over this Mandelafication of the month of July. It is […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Nkosazana good for AU, good for SA

As Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma prepared to take over her responsibilities as the new and first female leader of the African Union Commission, the reaction back home was somewhat bitter-sweet. Many said the former foreign affairs minister was being sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. They argued SA was losing one of its finest. That she […]

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How far we’ve fallen

By Rafique Gangat As SA’s first career diplomat of colour, I am pained to learn of what is happening to my beloved country. I took part in the painful struggle for freedom and eventually shared in the joy of liberation and democracy in 1994 and since then worked tirelessly to build the new SA. My […]

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A Madiba child

By Shireen Mukadam I had a dream. I was lying on the grass of the Boston Commons surrounded by three new friends. A Jordanian-Syrian, studying in Australia. A Catalonian Spaniard working in Colombia. And Marube from Kenya — a 52-year-old, who has aspirations of resuming his law degree, which he commenced at 26 in 1986 […]

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The Free when-it-suits-us Market Foundation

When one finds oneself cheering the combined team of the Tobacco Institute and the Free Market Foundation – the latter with surely about as much credibility in a post-financial meltdown world as the Lenin Institute of Economic Innovation – one must perhaps pause and head for a neurological examination. Certainly it was disconcerting to be […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Nailing TB

By Hoosen Coovadia We shouldn’t be surprised by recent news that 12% of hospital staff at the largest, government-funded tuberculosis hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal are themselves infected with tuberculosis. The public in South Africa will remember media reports of the tragic consequences of the acquisition of TB by health staff working in health-facility environments where the […]