Posted inLifestyle

The pinfall wizards

If you subscribe to DStv, you can watch at least 13 different soapies in any given week. The “soapie”, this overused word, as vapid and asinine as the stuff it describes, has created a Las Vegas-type culture in the desert-minds too whacked out after a day of shopping, washing, dusting, picking up the kids or […]

Posted inLifestyle

Paved with good intentions

I have lived in Jo’burg for four months and, since moving here, I have come to learn that, as far as the live music scene goes, it’s usually a case of feast or famine. Granted, there’s always something on, and one could probably go out every night for about three weeks without hearing the same […]

Posted inLifestyle

A violent youth

Slap-bang in the middle of the month that hosts the 16 Days of Activism against Women and Child Abuse, and boy, oh, boy, have I just got a mother of a story to tell you. I am nearly 40 years old. I am white, male and South African. I have lived in this country most […]

Posted inLifestyle

Three Cool Things

Yes, these things are Cool Enough to warrant Capital Letters: 1. Siyajika (We Are Turning) Underprivileged rural communities are taught how to germinate and nurture indigenous trees. They then trade these small trees (saplings?) for life-enhancing products such as building equipment, vegetable tunnels and water storage tanks to sustain them while they develop their business. […]

Posted inLifestyle

Where do you start?

It feels a bit awkward doing your first posting, but hopefully someone will find it useful or at least thought provoking. I think on reflection that a key role for all parents, who by default play the major leadership role for their children, is to create an exploratory mindset in their children. I grew up […]