Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Sadtu must pull up its panties

The first thing I came across on SADTU’s website when I visited it on 18/05/2013 is an announcement on “improvements in the working conditions” of teachers. This particular improvement relates to annual cost-of-living adjustments for educators. This is all well and it is needed, and granted SADTU is a union for teachers and not the […]

Posted inGeneral

Loving on Mugabe’s lap

By Gcobani Qambela May 17, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (Idaho), presents an opportunity for us young people, the so-called “future leaders” of the continent, to reflect deeply about what we are going to do differently to our many ageing African homophobic and misogynistic leaders when it comes to our treatment of non-heterosexual […]

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Ten tips on how to be a colonial

1. Constantly compare your country, its people, its practices, its food, drink, scenery and products to the overseas version and always find the local version wanting. 2. Ignore the cynicism and spiritual poverty of nations who have seen better days. 3. Have no faith in home-grown solutions. Always look for international or European or US […]

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Bad form

Next time you try to complain and in response some poorly-trained surly sod working for a diseased organisation in a sick building gives you a form to fill in that needs three years of audited financial statements, your life story in block letters, your race (the one none of us win), your gender (ditto) and […]

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The famous tree house

My friend Johannes says that it is considered fortunate to have an Oak Tree at the entrance to your home. I do not know the name of the man who has lived in this tree for as long as I have driven along this leafy road, Observatory Curve in Johannesburg. Must be nearly 20 years […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Guptagate, a scientist’s point of view

In the past few weeks of politics in our country, it transpired that politics can be a dirty playground meant not for the fainthearted. Since the dramatic saga hit the news, and still receiving immense attention in popular media, some friends perhaps sensing that I am “mum” about the issue have asked what my reflections […]

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Kathrada’s sudden interest in Morgan Freeman

No doubt inspired by the recent success of the boycott movement in persuading Stephen Hawking not to attend the President Conference in June, Ahmed Kathrada, the veteran anti-apartheid activist who served time in prison on Robben Island, has written an open letter to Morgan Freeman condemning him for accepting the “key of knowledge award” by […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Pandering to apartheid

The DA has recently launched a poster campaign entitled “Know Your DA”. It attempts, I think, to bring to light the “untold” role that some of their founding members played in the fight against apartheid. Typical of South African politics, supporters of opposition parties countered these claims with a series of spoof posters, intent on revealing […]