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Violence in South Africa: A psychoanalytical perspective

Violence and crime are ubiquitous in South Africa today. Nevertheless, few of the many discussion programmes or media commentaries succeed in providing an illuminating perspective on it. By contrast, Johann Rossouw’s use of the three structuring societal spheres — the religious, political and economic — that occupy different positions of dominance and subordination in different […]

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Robert Brand on The Golden Compass

Check out Robert’s post on Christian fundamentalists getting their SMS fingers twitching over The Golden Compass. Yeeeeeesh! Nice little comment thread developing. I’ve just found these two YouTube videos. Every side needs its propaganda :) “Atheists Are Fools” and “We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot”. The second one is an amateur reworking of a […]

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Sorry, Mr President, your position is redundant

Thinking about upcoming party leadership elections, presidential elections, ward and provincial elections, committee elections and, for that matter, any other elections — be they to the congregation’s koeksister committee, to the security complex’s trustee committee or to the local youth body — leaves me cold. How is it that so much emphasis is placed on […]

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A shift of emphasis?

The neoliberal economic option, in conjunction with a liberal-democratic political practice, appears to have been the direction in which the ANC government under the leadership of Thabo Mbeki has been going for some time. In my own view, this is probably the reason why, judging by the nominations of candidates for leadership positions within the […]

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Can we live with virtual child porn?

Would you like to see, or should others be allowed to watch, full-colour, full-motion video of children having sex with each other, with adults or with animals? Until recently, this would have been an easy question to answer. But in an age where we can produce near-perfect digital versions of real-life events, without the slightest […]

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Somizi can play with my jewels any day

Did you hear about the case of indecent assault opened against dancer, choreographer, singer and actor Somizi Mhlongo? This is the type of story with “Silwane Files material” written all over it. The article reports that Somizi’s accuser approached him to ask for an autograph and Somizi “played” with the accuser’s private parts during this […]

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I love South Africa?

I write this just a short while after finding out about the tragic death of a family member. The elderly member, grandfather of a few, loved by many, was tragically shot and killed in his home in the early hours of the evening on October 31. He was a soft and warm man, always with […]