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Favourite cop-outs

There are a couple of classic cop-outs, in relationships, life and every day. The beauty of them is, of course, that sometimes they are true (painfully, heartrendingly true), but most often they’re just the description of a rut in which we find ourselves. Here are a few of my favourites: I’m just not ready to […]

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Runaway train

South Africa is a beautiful country with warm and spontaneous people who run a real risk of boarding a runaway train fuelled by fear and driven by resentment and ambition; fear of an uncertain, ever-changing future, spinning circles around a violent present occasioned by a tormented past. Surviving while squatting on someone else’s property, being […]

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A dose of whimsy

Yip, that’s what I’m in the mood for, a dose of whimsy. Something frivolous and fun. Perhaps a little ridiculous. I just got a new fridge (yay!) and with it, fridge poetry. Amazing how words suddenly combine in new ways when they’re split up on a door … Here, then, are a few of my […]

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Sacred cows on the spit

Sigh. The lot of the writer is a difficult one. The comments on my previous offering have prompted me to write a follow-up post to another piece I wrote about six months ago. For the record, I receive at least three emails from irate readers chastising me for my callous disregard for sensitivity around most […]

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What about my rights?

I know this one is really going to open a flood of responses, most negative, but I have to ask this question. For the past couple of years, I have seen much reporting on the work of Afri-Forum. According to some news bulletins on mainly SABC2, it is a “rights-based group” doing sterling work on […]