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Christianity owes us

I am often accused of fighting a battle that’s already been conceded with organised religion. In fact, this is the criticism levelled at many anti-religious thinkers: basically, that we’re beating a dead horse. Religion has moved on from its horrible past. In its current form, it’s something altogether more complex and intricate. So why spend […]

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The minister and the plane queue

Submitted by Craig Irving Early one recent morning I was milling around the back of a plane queue in Cape Town — the queue stretched from the boarding steps and along the tarmac. The morning threw me some telling nuggets of social commentary. First I had been irritated by the arrival of a big, fat, […]

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The tricycle phenomenon

I have a friend who is a Catholic priest. He’s a sanctimonious, arrogant prick of colossal proportions, but there’s no need to worry about my soul: I’ll say ten Hail Mary’s and all will be sorted. About twelve years ago, while under the grip of my three-year long flirtation with atheism, I was locked in […]

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South Africa today: A personal assessment

Assessing the political and social conditions in a country is like volunteering an opinion on religion or sex; everyone believes that he or she is in a position to say something authoritative about it without necessarily doing so from an informed position. Moreover, what counts as being “informed” about such matters is not always easy […]

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What future South Africa?

Submitted by Anton Kleinschmidt The last thing that South Africa needs is timid submission to political correctness, because our politicians and bureaucrats are so consistently incorrect. A critical review of current realities and future prospects would serve no purpose if I resorted to watching my every word. One or two of the opinions that I […]

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Excuse me while I blame apartheid

Many white people see no just cause in blacks blaming apartheid for anything. It ended almost 14 years already; get over it already, they say. Often it is said with indignation, if not irritation, as though to say, how dare they! Those who insist we stop talking about it tell us it’s in the past, […]