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Let’s talk about the Jews

Despite their relatively small community in South Africa, and indeed their minority status in a lot of places around the world, the Jews have made a big mark. Hostile to outsiders, lavish in giving advantages to its own kind and filled with a persecution complex (all of which, it may be argued, have at least […]

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Happiness and fulfilment

My previous posting elicited a number of responses that, directly or indirectly, questioned the meaning of human happiness and fulfilment. At the outset of a discussion of these one has to admit, as the song goes, that “happiness is … different things to different people”, but far from resolving the issue via an affirmation of […]

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Equal rights for women still a pipe dream

An article on BBC News online caught my eye. It dealt with the bias that women face worldwide. In a UN-commissioned report the findings were that women are discriminated against in almost every country around the world. The report was compiled by Fareda Banda, a Zimbabwean-born law professor based in London. In itself this was […]

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Are church and state reconcilable?

The separation of church and state in an ever-changing society will always be a complicated matter, and has been ever since the idea was new. It remains one of the most universally accepted principles in a democratic system. Accepting, as we do in Europe, the pluralist and multicultural character of the European society today, the […]

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On board the MSC Volkstaat

With the blatant racial discrimination that has hit our beloved rainbow nation lately, I feel compelled to explore possible solutions to this age-old racial-superiority point of contention where some feel that it is their right to be held in a higher status than other racial groups. Plainly, it sickens me to know that there are […]

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Material wealth, happiness and alienated youth

A number of recent events in the United Kingdom, as well as the United States of America, seem to suggest that a generally high level of material prosperity does not necessarily go hand in hand with human happiness, but, more disturbingly, that at least sometimes it seems to produce conditions that actually undermine happiness among […]

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The deep roots of Aids denialism

For those of us who form part of the chattering classes and have never set foot in a rural village — except perhaps to take tourist pictures — South Africa can be a very confusing and perplexing place. I have wondered for a long time, for example, why so few poor and black South Africans […]