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ANC must support Zille’s call on Zuma

Khampepe, Ginwala, Niehaus, corruption charges, two centres of powers, kill for Zuma, formation of Cope, recall of Mbeki, Nicholson, Hlope — a never-ending list of reasons why the ANC and not the Democratic Alliance leader Helen Zille should have called for ANC president Jacob Zuma to withdraw his presidential candidacy. Each case, incident, investigation represents […]

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Other people’s kids

People assume that just because one is a parent, one loves kids. Rubbish, I can’t stand kids that are not my own. And there’s nothing I hate more than parents who can’t stop jabbering on and on about their kids and how smart they are and how “little Sizwe said the sweetest thing the other […]

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2010: The point of no return

In aeronautical terms, the point of no return is known as the “radius of action formula”. Either way, it refers to the moment beyond which a current course of action must continue because turning back is physically impossible, prohibitively expensive or dangerous. And so it is with South Africa’s charge towards hosting the 2010 World […]

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Is employment equity doing more harm than good?

Submitted by Paul Deppe Discrimination in the workplace in some or other form has plagued South Africa since the early settlers inhabited the Cape in the 1600s. Colonialism ensured that the white population enriched themselves while depriving the indigenous population of social, political and economic power. At the turn of the 20th century the English […]

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Hypocrisy at its best

A friend (cyber friend might be more appropriate) made an interesting comment on Facebook about Tokyo Sexwale recently. Sexwale once accused Cope of using old people to get votes. “I thought Tokyo said they don’t use old people to win votes!” said my friend. A few days ago the ANC marched and paraded Nelson Mandela […]