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What Carl really needs …

I’m betting that Carl Niehaus’s cortisol levels must be through the roof as the relentless stresses of being an ex-spin doctor on the ropes and on the run take their toll on the poor bugger’s health. His penchant for expensive, gourmet cuisine would have done little to prepare him for such trying times. I read […]

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Africa’s socio-economic conundrum

Things could get worse. The world economy is at a crossroads again, if not in a mess. As some have said before, certain challenges present opportunities — this is, in my view, one of those challenges (ie the current global financial crisis), which presents another opportune moment for humanity as a whole. The gist of […]

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Super 14 for dummies: Bonus points

There comes a time in the Super-14 competition when teams start to panic realising they are at the bottom half of the table. One thing and one thing only will halt their plummet to the bottom of the log, which is the consistency of the team to score four tries per game and lose by […]

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April 22: Overcoming apathy

When South Africa goes to the polls in the general election on April 22, it will be one of the most interesting days in South Africa’s political history. In undoubtedly the most highly contested election since 1994, the stakes are markedly high and the election will give a hugely important signal into the next two […]

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Joost for fun

It’s funny how people see things so differently. To me my girlfriend is the most gorgeous, kindest and warmest human being ever to have walked the face of the planet yet to my wife she’s .. Mind you, if they ever ask the government (Mrs Traps) she’ll tell them I’m the worst lay she’s ever […]