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Please Fergie, one more shock signing

Can Sir Alex Ferguson resist the urge to dip back into the transfer market? Every night I go to bed hoping to discover in the morning that Fergie had tricked us when he announced a while back that he had completed his transfer dealings. That I’ll wake up to sports headlines similar to those trumpeted […]

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I’m all for leaders that deliver

In politics, as in development, it is not always true that whoever pays the piper chooses the tune. In case some of our Thought Leader bloggers have not noticed, there is fresh impetus in South Africa right now towards a new leadership culture of accountability and visible service to people in need. Ministers spending nights […]

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Thugby brings rugby into disrepute!

On Saturday a brawl involving about 100 students from two top rugby schools in New Zealand broke in front of the national rugby coach, Graham Henry. The fight, between players and supporters, lasted five minutes and led to at least one schoolboy being knocked out. The fight, trumpeted in the NZ Herald with the headline […]

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Brawn or brains: Whither policing in SA?

The recent appointment of Bheki Cele as police commissioner has once again brought the persistently high levels of crime to the fore. Despite some substantial improvements, SAPS are struggling to get a handle on the crime situation. As has become par for the course, Cele has publicly adopted an aggressive approach to crime including his […]

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Close the border

Last weekend I made my customary annual road trip up north to Zambia through Zimbabwe. Starting off at the crack of dawn, it was a glorious drive on the N1 during that time of early morning when the breaking light of a new day slowly takes over a landscape wrapped in the fading darkness. With […]

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Boesak, an ‘accidental politician’ peddling deliberate distortions?

I’ve just read Alan Boesak’s recently published “reflections” on the anti-apartheid struggle and the challenges that continue to confront us as a society. While he reflects some interesting perspectives on the nature of the struggle, the resolution of the political conflict and the character of post-apartheid South Africa, it seems to me that the esteemed […]

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Wanted: A giant for the PSL

Last season SuperSport United retained their PSL title with 16 wins from 30 games. That is a win ratio of 53% and they also lost 7 games, 4 of them at home. That translates to a loss ratio of close to 25% overall and 27% at home. They scored 45 goals and conceded 22 on […]

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What I want from the Apple tablet

So, the internet/blogosphere is abuzz with news of an Apple tablet, and deservedly so. While I am not going to say I don’t believe it is not coming any more (there is way too much evidence forming) I am having a tough time placing it in Apple’s line-up. Microsoft has been trying to push the […]