Posted inGeneral

How often he’s tried to touch death

  *** “How often he’s tried to touch death”   How often he’s tried to touch death Caress the cheeks    make them familiar Wipe away flecks of blood Or crumbs off death’s chin Perhaps he should shave death’s face Use lipstick and ear rings   make the gender a man One that prefers intimacy with other […]

Posted inBusinessEnvironmentEqualityGender violenceGeneralHealthLifestyleMediaNews/PoliticsSportTech

It is time

The time, in the brief recent history of our country, has come for our country to wade into a foreign conflict, choose a side and fight, using our military, for that side. The time has come for our foreign policy to match our constitutional values, rather than the conflicted and corrupt, reflexive “Friends With All” […]

Posted inGeneralHealthLifestyle

What is your model for personal transformation?

By Curwyn Mapaling There is a prevailing cry for transformation in our country, rightfully so, but surely we should remain cognisant of personal transformation as well? A simple Google search yields more than 15 million results detailing various steps, phases, models and methods etc. when searching models for personal transformation. So how do we possibly […]

Posted inEqualityGeneralMedia

Language: An emotive issue

Why is language such an emotive issue? Primarily because it goes to the heart of what we are as speaking beings, as Jacques Lacan would no doubt retort. Language is what differentiates between humans and other animals insofar as it is a symbolic system where every signifier (word, image, or gesture) corresponds with a signified […]

Posted inBusinessEnvironmentEqualityGender violenceGeneralHealthLifestyleMediaNews/PoliticsSportTech

Mangrove Jungle (Tiger) Survival Expert

The world has gone crazy. So what if a black African parent allowed their child to be called “the coolest monkey in the jungle”, in exchange for money. It’s their prerogative as to what exactly constitutes an insult. It’s not like the child was illiterate, it’s not like his parents were illiterate. That’s not even […]

Posted inEnvironmentEqualityGeneral

Educational disparities at an international level

For some time now, it has been the case that internationalisation of education cannot be separated from globalisation as a multifaceted phenomenon. This inevitably raises the question of whether such globalisation, especially given its inseparability from advanced (electronic) communicational developments (partly as a means to the sharing of knowledge and, unavoidably, economic prosperity), is judged […]

Posted inGeneralMedia

John Fowles’ beguiling literary art

Undoubtedly one of the great exponents of the novel in English, recently deceased John Fowles, wrote novels that, in addition to gripping narratives, integrated many insights and elements from disciplines such as natural science and psychoanalysis, sometimes in such a manner that these elements functioned as drivers for narrative action. A case in point is […]

Posted inBusinessEnvironmentEqualityGender violenceGeneralHealthLifestyleMediaNews/PoliticsSportTech

Two centres of nonsense

Now the drums will sound for Radical Economic Transformation from the Zuma administration, loudly, boldly, unashamedly and without distraction. What that means is that further efforts must be made by the majority of the polity, to provide the majority of society with the majority of the economy. Simple. This differs from affirmative action, which is […]