Today is the final day, a day made available to the Top 8 and the NEC to speak. They will speak carefully, they will speak responsibly and they will talk courageously. Don’t believe any of it. The last day’s speeches is a notorious opportunity for the Top 8 and the NEC to get it out and wave it about to intimidate their naysayers.

Gusto alone fancy speeches do not make, scotch will only keep you for so long, some hard schedules 5-6-7 are not really enough, and hard illicit drugs while doing the trick, will leave the speakers blurry and dazed. Bearing in mind that all this happens against a backdrop of a new Zimbabwe, so that’s one less excuse to bandy about.

And as the final day winds down and the singing and sweaty t-shirts grow thin, do not be alarmed if participants start leaving early. Also be very careful when discussing leadership, all of the possible leaders are on the NEC.

Best Wishes,

Avishkar Govender


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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