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The amazing potential of the universe

The discovery of several new planets outside of our solar system is really exciting. Why? Well the incredible astronomers working tirelessly to expand our minds and our knowledge of space have discovered another star that has similar heat and light potential as the sun. This “sun2” is surrounded by planets in its own solar system, […]

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Who said talking about sports is pointless?

Thirty years ago, the quickest means of speaking to someone was via the use of a telephone, with perhaps a letter being the best personalised way to contact someone across the globe. The status quo today is extremely different. The Internet (with that capital “I” rightly letting us know how important it is) has changed […]

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A life ended too soon

When I was editor of the Cape Times and decided in 1998 to launch a project called “One City, Many Cultures”, I knew that I needed the best people to work on it. It was going to be an editorial project for which I was going to hire some of the best writers and photographers […]

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Africa, the motherland

We must not ridicule nor confuse genuine emotional responses with ignorance when African Americans first land here. The ignorant ones are those amongst us who so readily dismiss this response without a moment’s pause to consider or understand the reason for the reaction. (For a while, I was in this number. I too used to […]

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Ties in the rain: A history of the C-word

By Peter Church In 1992, the Sydney rain came down on a gutsy SA cricket team’s bid to win the prestigious Cricket World Cup. When Brian McMillan and Dave Richardson returned to the centre, the revised target left them with 22 runs to score off 1 ball! Since that day, the Competition Curse has consistently […]

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Viva Dirtbin!

There’s this turf war going on. Cape Town versus Durban. Peeps are getting fired up, calling each other out and throwing down with the insults, the stereotypes and the cliches. Getting red in the face, tapping away on keyboards, ringing up the papers. Claiming this place is a dump or that place is a shithole. […]

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Our pal China: Big daddy loves you, SA!

Some articles have appeared recently on Thought Leader with regard to “China taking over the world”. It is also big in the current literature, for example Martin Jaques’s recent When China Rules the World. The key word there, of course, is “when”, not “if”. The book to some extent explores the “how”, and, to state […]