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A multifaceted mirror for individuals (1)

In Either/Or, Volumes I and II, Kierkegaard constructs different models of human existence. They seem to be primarily intended by him as mirrors in which his readers may recognise themselves, or as fictions which could function as indications of different ways in which individuals may live their lives, with a view to highlighting the implications […]

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Proteas must believe again

Sport, being the great equaliser that it is, simply waits for no man and respects no reputations. This time last year, the world was Graeme Smith’s oyster as he led a team brimming with talent, luck and confidence to burst Australia’s bubble in unforgettable fashion in their own backyards. But was it unforgettable? Certainly for […]

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2009: What did we learn?

2009 revealed some incredible things to the ordinary person. It was a startling year jam packed with scandal, drama and some serious historical events. A blog is just too short to list all of them, so excuse the number of links here. Hope you enjoy. We learnt that… Nothing is impossible. Nobody is predictable. Nobody […]

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2010: A sneaky preview

Here are some predictions for 2010. The crystal ball was unfortunately more greasy than usual, so take these with a pinch of nerves and keep that tongue close to your cheek. In January, Darrell Bristow-Bovey formally returns to the literary scene with the publication of a new book called I Am My Own Wife. It […]