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When I am president

I often dream of running my own banana republic. Nothing too big. I am not a greedy man. Something about the size of KwaZulu-Natal. In fact, KZN would be perfect. It’s got the bananas and is sufficiently balmy to keep the populace in that happy stupor that will prevent any thought of an uprising. The […]

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How serious is the ANC on crime?

The South African public are inundated by calls for crimes to be overlooked, forgiven or — in some cases — not to be considered crimes at all. Unsurprisingly, the vast mast majority of these emanate from those at the very heart of power in this country. The number of judges, correctional services officials, politicians and […]

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Togo bus ambush has SA parallels

The police have gunned down three suspects believed to have been involved in the Christmas Day massacre of Inanda FM presenter Ntombikayise Ngwane (24) and her friends. In the early hours of Friday morning, possibly acting upon information obtained from the suspect who was arrested on December 31 at a house in Eshowe, where he […]

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Zapiro shouldn’t apologise

So the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa is demanding that Zapiro apologise for drawing what so many are talking about in private: the utter abuse of state institutions, office and the Constitution. This assault on and degrading of constitutional order was highlighted by the call for a political solution to President Jacob Zuma’s […]

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Why wait for the maggots?

My eyesight is terrible. I really can not see well out my left eye, a congenital problem I am told. One that was not identified by the conglomeration of nurses who descended upon my primary school with their wooden spatulas and needle-and-syringe kits. But that’s another story for another time. Seriously though, I am not […]

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Keeping it real in 2010

Ke nako! It is time! That’s right soccer fans, 2010 has arrived and the country is being revved up for the biggest month long party we have seen since the 2003 cricket and 1995 rugby World Cups. Much has been made of SA’s ability (with many of those doubters basing their convictions on stereotypes about […]

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We have to stop blaming others

It has been reported that 1.1 million little boys and girls enrolled for Grade 1 throughout the country this year. These beautiful ones who were born into a free and democratic society may be likened to a garden of what South Africa will look like in 2022. These are the little boys and girls who will […]

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Diplomacy is changing

Once the preserve of dilettantes exchanging formal communiqués in cloistered offices, today’s diplomacy — call it Diplomacy 2.0 — should be a wide-ranging discussion that involves individuals at all levels from the echoing marble halls of government buildings in the world’s most powerful countries to the 16-year-old with a mobile-enabled cellphone texting with a US […]

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An open letter to Zuma

Mr President, sir. The country is in panic mode as speculation grows that you are about to invoke the prerogative powers and responsibilities vested in you by the Constitution (84,2J) by virtue of you being head of state — your power to pardon. At the root of the rumours is the recent meeting you had […]