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iPhone 4 leaked?

Seems so… I am pretty sure most tech-loving internet users have read the posts by Gizmodo at this point. It sounds like a movie: young guy who programmes iPhone baseband software uses an unreleased iPhone prototype and goes for a drink at a bar. Guy forgets the iPhone on a bar stool. Guy #2 picks […]

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Benitez’s time is up

Liverpool have always proven to be a conundrum to me, especially as a Manchester United fan. Last year they should’ve won the title, but didn’t. The reason? They drew too many games against opposition they should have beaten, plus Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard getting injured at unfortunate times. Perhaps also missing that vital experience […]

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Pope Goes the Weasel

It’s about time we had some earthquakes in Rome. The historical home of the fiddle hasn’t had a shake in ages. Global warming may be biggie, and Iran may prove tsunamis to be minor ripples, but the man in the big hat has been bust, he fiddled while kids were razed. I’m comforted to know […]

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Dear reader …

Of course, your opinions are more important than the blog — that’s the whole point. I was going to write something new — but wanted to respond to Maria. It is unfortunate that you feel I used the term “social Down’s Syndrome” in a shallow way to describe stupid. I didn’t. Just because someone has […]

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Eugene and Malema, sitting in a tree…

Right-wingers continue to huddle and mutter about Armageddon. The Youth are supposedly led by a confused victim of social Down’s syndrome, and homosexuality has never had such a bad month. Ricky Martin and ET? Ouch. Obviously, the local crime scene experts have never watched CSI — letting an imaginary condom vanish, and failing to notice […]

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Crying for my country

I watch the welts appear through the boy’s underwear. The boy’s head is caught between a grinning, stocky policeman’s thighs which imprison the boy and keep him bent over. In front of the boy stands another policeman, face furrowed in thought as he wields the cane. The cane comes hissing down on the boy’s buttocks […]

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We let Malema dominate the news

Julius Malema must be quite the conundrum for our journos and editors. Every week he has a print run boosting opinion or reaction to something or another. The man is walking circulation gold. He is also in danger of swamping the national consciousness with his often ill-delivered, though often on the mark, commentary on issues. […]

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AWB to SACP should back Zuma on this

President Jacob Zuma’s statement on political conduct and social cohesion issued late Saturday is exactly what this country has been waiting for. It is a reaffirmation that the president, government and ruling party share the same goals as the vast majority of South Africans in building our fledgling constitutional democracy. In clear terms it sets […]