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Foreign fans in the dock

One of the great successes of the 2010 World Cup — and there have been many — is how the special courts which were set up for the tournament have succeeded in dealing with the criminal activity that is part-and-parcel of hosting an event of this magnitude. And the good news is that South Africans, […]

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Local coach for Bafana? Nyet

So with Carlos Alberto Parriera’s tenure as Bafana coach at an end, questions are inevitably being raised as to who should succeed him in accepting Safa’s poisoned chalice. As is usual the clamour is growing for a local coach to succeed Parreira. This of course is based on nothing but misguided patriotic fervour. Of course […]

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Father, Son and tax evader

Why doesn’t God pay tax? I’m not suggesting that God actually does the transfer. He has elected representatives among us, apparently — and authorised them, allegedly, to collect funds on his behalf. Some of them have outfits and everything. The ruling that God’s money is safe from SARS can only ensure that shysters and thieves […]

Posted inGeneralNews/Politics

Malema’s police instructions were unconstitutional

In accordance with a formal complaint laid by Democratic Alliance MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard, the Independent Complaints Directorate will assess whether the SAPS acted improperly at the ANCYL conference in Limpopo. The basis for the allegations being that the South African Police Services acted upon instructions given by the president of the African National Congress Youth […]

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The pitter Blatter of tiny African feet

After all Sepp Blatter’s blather about an ‘African World Cup’, the sad irony is that we are on the verge of the unthinkable: that none of the six African teams will make it through to the second round. All six pack, but no cigar — is one way of putting it. Certainly, the chiseled torsoes […]

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Lovelock’s ‘final warning’

In Leonard Shlain’s wonderful book, Sex, Time and Power (2003), he makes the following observation: “Our ancestors would … bring about the greatest mass extinction of large animals since the dinosaurs abruptly disappeared 65-million years ago. Through their ever burgeoning technological prowess, humans would plant crops, tend herds, invent writing, build the Parthenon, discover gunpowder, […]

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The thank you economy

I had a very strange experience today. It was a warm winter’s day, and we had a fire going outside. Glass of wine in hand, I was fiddling around with my iPhone (as one does — usually to one’s wife’s discontent) — specifically a cult favourite app of mine: Mood Agent. As I launched the […]

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The World Cup fever catches on!

By Lenox Mhlanga Feel it … it is here! The Soccer World Cup is finally underway in South Africa. It was surely a long wait but it was worth it. If you have not caught the football bug then you must be dead, or worse. Alain de Botton, a newspaper columnist puts it this way, […]

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Malema and the vuvuzela: The shocking truth!

I thought I was getting away from politics for a while. But I now realise that the vuvuzela is to these World Cup blogs what Julius Malema is to my politics columns: a noisy, but sadly unavoidable irritant. With both Malema and the vuvuzela, their importance is far overstated. Malema: South Africa’s Robert Mugabe? I […]