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Business Intelligence’s social evolution

In this information age, the businesses that have the best relationship with their data are the businesses most likely to succeed. And over a very short space of time, as the amount of data has grown exponentially and the ability to access information becomes more urgent, this relationship between businesses and data has shifted from […]

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State of emergency 2.0

By Christopher McMichael Last week, a fully armed contingent of South African National Defence Force (SANDF) soldiers were enrolled to perform guard duties at the new Khayelitsha district hospital. The reason for the deployment of combat-ready troops in a civilian environment? To patrol a silent protest by 50 members of the Khayelitsha Development Forum. As […]

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Cavendish vs Kittel

When asked this week if Marcel Kittel is a faster sprinter than he is, Mark Cavendish quickly replied, “No!” Kittel has been dubbed the most successful neo-pro ever because last year in his debut season he won 17 recognised UCI races. Rumour has it he pushes out 1890 watts during a sprint. A doctor asked […]

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CSI Limpopo

The African National Congress’s elective conference to be held in Mangaung in December is throwing up a whole host of interesting collateral “debates”, as the appeal against ANCYL president Julius Malema’s sentence handed down by the ANC disciplinary committee and the administration of Limpopo’s finances clearly demonstrate. As you may recall, just prior to the […]

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Dear god-complex

Dear god-complex That’s right, I’m talking to you — not big G — that’s different. I wouldn’t talk to God in words, because I don’t believe that God needs words, or worship, for that matter. I also don’t believe a real God would ask any man to take his son up on a mountain and […]