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The future of cricket

We learned today via an official press release from Cricket South Africa that current chief executive Gerald Majola has been suspended immediately pending the establishment of a disciplinary enquiry. The KPMG report will seemingly be the focus of this enquiry as well as the recommendations of Judge Chris Nicholson. This most definitely presents as a […]

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To bowl or to bat, that is the question

The Proteas are in the land of the long white cloud, New Zealand certainly more famous for their rugby than their cricket. One perhaps would agree based on the performance of the lacklustre black caps who just show no bite whatsoever on the cricket pitch. How often it has fallen on my ears that to […]

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Absolutely super rugby

I have been so captivated by the Super rugby season and after watching for four weeks, I feel now is as good a time as any to share some opinions I have been mulling over. I must say that having the Bok coach announced before it began added some freshness and, as always, we clamoured […]

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Deluded Majola should resign

Delusion is exactly how I would describe Gerald Majola’s continuing stance that he is innocent, and as such, won’t resign. This is even after the Nicholson commission released its findings, stating Majola did violate the Companies Act, and should be investigated by the National Prosecuting Authority for not disclosing bonuses he received from the IPL and ICC […]

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The outlook for cloud is getting clearer

The outlook for cloud delivery of unified communications platforms is getting ever brighter as bandwidth supply restrictions are lifted and high cost is addressed.   On its own, the value proposition of cloud-based computing delivery is very compelling – with unified communications (UC) as well as most other applications.   – At low upfront cost and […]

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Do schools kill creativity?

By Athambile Masola As a new teacher, I have a vested interest in education and I’m always wondering about how to be innovative. I recently had a SMART Board and a data projector installed in my classroom. I was astonished as my learners entered the classroom agog, declaring, “Ma’am your classroom’s been pimped … upgraded!” […]

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The Skunk Whisperer

When I first heard that there was a programme on Animal Planet called The Skunk Whisperer I, wrongly, assumed that this was a docudrama about the courtship between my bank manager and her husband. You know the sort of thing … background music – Love is in the air – the happy threesome frolicking in […]

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Happy endings in Afghanistan

“All that has to happen is for the Taliban to lob a couple of hand grenades over the walls of one of the guesthouses,” the security consultant told me. He traced an imaginary trajectory over the roof of the guesthouse into the courtyard with his can of beer. “Then you’ll see how quickly the foreign […]

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The sciences and the nature of the university

A philosophical friend responded to my previous post as follows: “I have now had a good look at your piece on the need for a social theory within which research should be located in all the sciences. I am very interested in the question of the relationship of the various disciplines/sciences because I think answering […]