Posted inLifestyle

Ukutawuna finally explained

I promised to write a blog explaining the term, “ukutawuna” or “tawuning”. Well, I have finally come (excuse the pun which you will get later) around to fulfilling that promise even though it is far later than I originally intended. Many people wonder what ukutawuna means, especially those who keep seeing it being used on […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Oh the identity question…

I am against everything Against war and those against War. Against whatever diminishes Th’individuals blind impulse Dambudzo Marechera, The Bar-Stool Edible Worm ——- The ever-lurking identity question, of which we are always aware, but not always attentive, has arisen once again. Indeed it is an entirely relevant one in the present political context demonstrated most […]

Posted inGeneral

Fiddling while Rome is burning …

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.” — Karl Marx Both the intelligence and the ethical integrity of the human race are sadly lacking, as far as I can tell. Sure, there are many exceptions — millions, probably — but their numbers are vastly outweighed by […]

Posted inLifestyle

Taking the bull by the horns

By Nelly Shamase I’ve finally moved out of home. At the not-so-tender-age of 27, many would argue that it’s been a long time coming. Try telling that to my parents. When you’re the last born of seven children — and you’re a girl to boot — your parents are not as eager to let you […]

Posted inGeneral

The double lives of sports people

Leo Tolstoy wrote War and Peace, arguably one of the most celebrated pieces of fiction in the Western world. War and Peace is a story, grossly simplified, about five aristocratic families and how Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812, including the spectre of the invasion itself, goes about bringing change to the Tsarist society, which […]