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The pros and cons of using SMS in an emergency

SMS is the perfect emergency communications channel, right? People always have their phones with them, especially in an emergency; you can easily send one message to a number of people, and you can text when you can’t talk. Indeed, just over an hour after the earthquake in Christchurch struck earlier this year, Vodafone New Zealand […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A case for burning books?

For reasons explained elsewhere, I have been sorting through my personal possessions and shedding most of it in preparation for relocation to South America. Among these possessions are books that I have been accumulating for more than 20 years. Getting rid of more than 2 000 books is, as I have come to learn, quite distressing. […]

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Dear SuperSport executive

My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. I do hope you manage some sleep. Try to eat something and don’t allow yourself to be negatively affected by this recent tragedy that threatens your very integrity. I am horrified that an attractive young woman in your employ took it upon herself to appear naked […]

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It’s not the first time

By Gavin Moffat It’s not the first time. I’ve been here before. The enthusiasm. The commitment. The rush of adrenalin. Feeling good about what I’m accomplishing. Not sure what makes this time different. I saw the 5150 video and felt a scream of me-ness. I want to do that. I want to achieve. I want […]

Posted inNews/Politics

When sex becomes a race issue…

By Tim Bester The sexual adventures of the rich and powerful have always been the focus of public fascination when these are aired in the public domain. These peccadilloes make for good and lurid copy in our newspapers. The most recent of these, involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Arnold Schwarzenegger, are good examples. And they have […]

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Unified communications can benefit SMEs too

Unified communications (UC) is enjoying accelerating adoption in the enterprise, based on its inherent efficiencies, cost-savings and business-process improvements. Partly thanks to the rise of tablet PCs and smartphones, it is one of the great success stories of ICT, and many vendors have come to the party with excellent functionality. But the benefits of UC […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Secret letter to Jon Qwelane

Hallo, Jon, how are you? From riches to rags, you say? I empathise! I decided to write to you on an impulse. I don’t know you personally, I have never met you, but what the hell. I’m a columnist, too, and, as you know very well, column writing is a dangerous job, especially these days. […]

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Macs still overpriced

All the Mac acolytes have been jumping up and down this year with the iPad 2 and the falling MacBook prices. Quite frankly it’s just more of the same hot air. Before you think I’m just a Mac basher/deluded Windows follower, let me assure you that I am quite happy to give credit where it’s […]