Posted inEquality

Feminism is not a wave, it’s an ocean

Dear Jacques, Firstly, thanks for the links to FeministsSA — I appreciate them. The more interest in feminism, the better (even if it is misguided as in your case). A few points where I beg to differ: 1. Andrea Dworkin represents a particular segment of feminism — radical feminism. It’s not called radical for nothing, […]

Posted inGeneral

How not to think Africa from the Cape

By Harry Garuba How does one think Africa from the Cape in this post-colonial, post-apartheid moment? First, let me explain the rise of the notion of thinking from a place. The idea of location and locatedness saturates contemporary academic life. In the humanities and social sciences, the shifts in contemporary theory have made an awareness […]

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Race against denial

By Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh There is a growing inclination in South African public discourse towards the idea that race no longer exists. This is a different claim to whether or not it should exist. One of the main consequences of this claim is that selection policies should no longer focus on “race” but on other indicators […]

Posted inGeneral

mHealth needs to be network neutral to flourish

As we’ve started to see in South Africa and across the rest of the continent, the potential for mobile-enabled healthcare is enormous. Evidence from the GSMA Mobile Health Summit held in Cape Town at the start of June shows that mobile operators are currently leading the pack in this space. Going forward, however, it is […]

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The passing of a maidriarch

All of last week I was thinking that I need to contact one of the most important people in my life — my nanny, Florence Mbuli. Something inside me told me that I needed to contact her and thank her for making me the person I am today. I found out on Sunday morning that […]

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A Super Rugby dream final

Sanzar could not have asked for more. On one side, you have the Queensland Reds. At the bottom a few seasons ago but now a thoroughbred side changing the landscape of Australian rugby. Their home ground was under water as Brisbane suffered its worst floods in 36 years at the beginning of the year. Now […]

Posted inLifestyle

Australia, where is your humanity?

There’s a smug little reality show on Discovery Channel called Border Patrol that shines a spotlight on the work of Australian customs officials. In a recent episode I sat riveted as two Ozzy pensioners quivered tearfully before an officious bitch in blue that had seized their contraband bunch of bananas. The threat level stuttered to […]

Posted inGeneral

The growing resistance to capitalist work

Here in Thessaloniki, Greece, where the international ISTP (International Society for Theoretical Psychology) Conference has just ended, delegates seemed strangely reluctant to abandon the discussions that have occupied them for a week. And not surprisingly, given the quality of the papers, a case in point being the keynote address by Professor Silvia Federici from New […]