Posted inGeneral

Coming home to a rather normal country

I arrived in Cape Town last Friday after spending 14 years abroad. Setting aside larger socio-economic matters (without minimising any of them) I have been pleasantly surprised over the past few days by some of the minor infrastructural changes and improvements in this majestic city. I have been especially impressed by the efficacy of banking, […]

Posted inGeneral

Why I love Google+

Google Plus (G+) is a major foray by Google into the world of social media. The platform takes the best of Facebook and Twitter and slaps it into one. I affectionately call it TwitFace. And while a small group of techy South Africans have gotten really excited about Google Plus (G+), a training session I […]

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Nokia E7 — getting dirty.

Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m biased against the current crop of Nokia smartphones. I just think they’re crap — and maybe that’s because I’m a “power user” (although sometimes I think my levels of frustration exceed the everyday consumer). Or maybe it’s just because I’m getting grumpy in my old age. Symbian has simply ceased […]

Posted inEquality

Gay love is here to stay – hooray

This weekend in New York hundreds of couples got married. For the first time in their (sometimes very long) relationships, they were able to commit to one another in public and be legally married. If you need any more convincing of what a wonderful, happiness-inducing state of affairs this was, then check out these 60 incredible […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Echo Chamber

The new monsters are different. Like Frankenstein’s creature, they are composed of the philosophical offal of the past century, with all its intellectual hurts and grievances. They have been reanimated, sewn together with the black thread bought in bulk by the far right. Intelligent, eloquent, urbane, they plow their considerable energies into forging new identities […]

Posted inGeneral

Justice is not relative, neither is child abuse

By Gcobani Qambela The Children’s Act tasks the government with ensuring that children’s constitutional rights to family care and alternative care, social services and protection from all abuse, neglect and exploitation are realised. The government has to realise these rights by making provision for substantial and comprehensive social welfare service interventions. These interventions range from […]

Posted inNews/Politics

How to lose goodwill and anger a republic

I attended President Bingu wa Mutharika’s second-term inauguration at a packed Chichiri Stadium in Malawi’s commercial capital, Blantyre in May 2009. His party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) had led one of the most successful election campaigns in the political history of Malawi, amassing an unprecedented parliamentary majority. Mutharika’s first term was nothing like that, however. […]