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Good governance is not enough

By Amukelani Mayimele We live in the best of times, but great challenges lie ahead. Service delivery protests are but one indication of how far we still have to go. At the core of these and other protests, is a demand by citizens for corruption to be eliminated; for leaders to behave fairly, and; that […]

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To succeed, must Africa fail?

The need for failure as a prelude to success seems to keep coming up all around me, not only in conversations with people who have achieved notoriety for their various career or personal feats, but also in publications such as The Harvard Business Review and some of the 2011 commencement speeches I have watched, such […]

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Opportunities in Cameron’s Nigeria visit?

There was a good reason for British Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to Nigeria on July 19 of this year. Many smart people are betting on our new government to kick-start an era of success — marked by economic growth, improved governance and poverty reduction. The opportunities in Nigeria are further highlighted by the large […]

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Medical consent: Informed or not?

Have you ever consented to a medical procedure? Did you consider that to be an informed consent? Were you aware of the benefits, risks and complications of the procedure? Have you ever consented to a Blood Product transfusion? Were you told that the risk of contracting HIV is 1 in 2 million people? I attended […]

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Wallabies carved up as All Blacks throw down gauntlet

Australia haven’t been able to wrestle the Bledisloe Cup from Kiwi hands for eight years, and after Saturday morning’s rollicking smash-up by the All Blacks, they are going to have to try again next year. Much noise was generated Down Under about the potency of this Australian outfit, and having still been in Melbourne when […]

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GMs or non-GMs: Let my people eat

Kenya is a unique country if not peculiar. It is a country of million experts but no one listens to each others advice. It is a country that has taken almost two decades to have a constitutional change. It is a country whose leadership fight in public over small issues like who speaks first and […]

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Malawi: The Warm Heart of Africa?

By Theresa Chapulapula Malawi is fondly known as the warm heart of Africa. This aptly describes the country. The warmth and the beauty of its people really make Malawi a must to visit. If you have never been to that Southern African country, then you are really missing something in life. The language barrier should […]

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Veteran technology shows its longevity

It seems a bit crazy to call a technology that is coming up for its twentieth birthday a “veteran”. But if you consider the massive explosion of digital communications technology over the past few years, you start to realise just how long SMS has been around for. Not only that, but SMS has also proved […]

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Columnists Anonymous meeting this Friday

Columnists Anonymous will meet this Friday at 7pm in the Town Hall, downtown Jo’burg. Please remember to bring papers proving you were unfairly dismissed after merely speaking your mind on matters relating to race, religion or sexuality. An independent observer will go through the papers with you to see if maybe you’ve gone ‘too far’. […]