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How Facebook can push your brand

Practically all companies, brands, products and personalities can benefit from a Facebook promotions or fan page that furthers their cause (commercial or non-profit) or raises their profile. The good news is that setting up a basic foundational Facebook page is simple and free. Facebook makes it easy for even the most technologically challenged person or […]

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How to sell unified communications

Over the last decade, unified communications (UC) has grown from an exciting possibility to a must-have for organisations of all sizes. The underlying technologies have matured, a rich diversity of UC and collaborative applications has developed, and presence sensing has tied them together with great additional value. With the growth in UC adoption, organisations are […]

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Selfishness is a virtue

So recently I got to thinking about “altruism” … What left George Price utterly despondent and suicidal, Ayn Rand called self-esteem. While the former spent much of his later life trying desperately to prove that human beings were capable of truly selfless acts, the latter spent her entire literary career rejecting such notions outright and […]

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Women key to sustainable agriculture

Women account for 75% of the agricultural producers in sub-Saharan Africa, but the majority of women farmers are living on only $1.25 a day, according to researchers from the Worldwatch Institute. Despite the challenging circumstances that women in developing countries face, important innovations in communications and organising are helping women play a key role in […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Dewani extradition still in play

British Judge Howard Riddle ruled last Wednesday that Bristol businessman Shrien Dewani, who is accused of murdering his wife Anni while on honeymoon in Cape Town during November 2010, can be extradited to South Africa to face charges of murder, robbery with aggravating circumstances and kidnapping. The decision is, however, not the final word on […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What do WE know about the London riots?

By James Duminy The recent acts of insurrection, violence and looting in London have drawn typically shocked and patronising condemnation from all corners of the newspaper-reading classes. “Isn’t it just shocking that people can behave like this? What must their parents say?” A particularly pernicious discourse has emerged to describe these events — the vocabulary […]

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Training? Not me!

The other side of the fence was where I ended up at this weekend’s 5150, which is a standard distance triathlon, part of the IronMan stable. Not where I wanted to be. I wanted to be racking my bike, pulling on my wetsuit and generally partaking. But the Gods of training let me down. I […]

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Does snot an African child maketh?

By Zamafuze L Ngcobo Not too long ago, a friend and I decided to explore the dreaded inner city. From the dusty streets of the commuting citizens to the retro city-renewal projects that boast city-living aesthetics. We arrived at another one of those city exhibitions that showcase art versions of the city you kind of […]