Posted inLifestyleMedia

Nonhle and the Saab

So Nonhle Thema drives a Saab. We know this because she tweeted about it today, twice. To whit: “My SAAB was custom made for me.No one else has it General Motors did this for me a gift ” and “And my car was half a mill…thank u General Motors”. 75 627 people follow Nonhle, ready to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

A reality check on Somalia

By Dr Unni Karunakara The current emergency unfolding in and around Somalia is being portrayed by many aid organisations and the media in one-dimensional terms, such as “famine in the Horn of Africa” or “worst drought in 60 years”. But only blaming natural causes ignores the complex geopolitical realities exacerbating the situation and suggests that […]

Posted inGeneral

The hysterical rape debate

By Justin Mackie In May this year Kenneth Clark, the UK justice secretary, while defending a government proposal to half the sentences of offenders who plead guilty from the outset, was drawn unwittingly into the rape debate. The proposal he was defending did not specifically relate to sexual offences but the emotive allure of linking […]

Posted inGeneral

Is capitalism destroying our planet? (2)

Throughout this paper* I have used the term “capital” broadly in accordance with Marxist usage to denote the process by which money (as signifier of capital) endlessly reproduces itself, that is, the dynamism at the heart of this process. “Capitalism”, on the other hand, is the mode of social being, or kind of society which […]

Posted inNews/Politics

City Press, really?

By Ayanda Sitole City Press’s attempt to appease the public by reporting that the incident in which self-titled Facebooker “Eugene Terrorblanche” posed over a black child in a hunting pose, was a family “joke”, is seriously disturbing. The provocative image, published on the front page of last week’s Sunday Times, showed an unnamed white male […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The world needs a better moral compass

At the occasion of the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony of 1960 at Oslo University in Norway, in his acceptance speech, Chief Albert Luthuli highlighted a fundamental challenge that still confronts Africa that “our continent has been carved up by the great powers. Alien governments have been forced upon the African people by military conquest […]

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Springboks ride the wave of underestimation

In the fourth season of the American political drama The West Wing, Martin Sheen’s President Bartlet is preparing for the presidential debate against James Brolin’s Governor Ritchie. Apart from Brolin’s southern accent and immaculate white hair, an aspect of the governor’s strategy that Bartlet’s staff is concerned about is that of lowering expectations. The governor […]

Posted inGeneral

Is capitalism destroying our planet?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to give some attention to the widely agreed upon evidence that it has been happening for some time, and, moreover, has accelerated. It is hard to know where to start and where to end when it comes to listing relevant “evidence” in this regard, even if there is […]