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Bad light, bad umpiring, bad for cricket

The Test series between SA and Australia is quite sadly coming to an end. I find myself almost thinking was this even worth it for all concerned. Sunfoil sponsored the Test. When I first heard this I thought it was a sunscreen company to then realise it was cooking oil. What am I trying to […]

Posted inLifestyle

We’ll need two planets by 2030

At the beginning of his latest book, Treading Softly: Paths to Ecological Order, American ecological scholar Thomas Princen quotes from the Living Planet Report of 2008: “Our global [ecological] footprint now exceeds the world’s capacity to regenerate by about 30%. If our demands on the planet continue at the same rate, by the mid-2030s we […]

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Understanding collaboration and unified communication

While social media is grabbing the headlines there are equally dramatic changes currently occurring across the world in the way groups of people are collaborating and working together. These changes should be throwing up many interesting communication questions for corporate decision-makers. A massive number of collaboration tools exist at every level of economic activity. These […]

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Like, so now what?

As brand warriors battle it out on the social media platform for consumer favour, “Like” has shed its identity as a plain old verb in the English dictionary to become a sought-after means of creating a following of potential brand champions … and buyers. Social media is definitely one of the biggest trends of this […]

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Douglas Kennedy — a novelist to read

Through my daughter, as much a bibliophile as her father, I recently discovered the novels of Douglas Kennedy. Her birthday gift to me was Leaving the World, a novel she described as “beautiful, but sad”, which propelled me and my partner into a very rewarding fictional journey of discovery. I haven’t come across references to […]

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Sailing the stormy seas of recession

The world is moving yet again towards the threat of recession: exchange rates are yo-yoing, and even our kids know that “double dip” is not a kind of ice-cream topping. Under these circumstances, the natural instinct of many is to batten down the hatches and find a safe shelter in which to weather out the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Manuel’s ‘new’ development plan?

National planning commission chairperson Trevor Manuel recently released the much-anticipated national development plan aimed principally at tackling the structural economic problems of high unemployment and pervasive poverty. This is not our first attempt at formulating strategies to deal with these challenges. Many other growth strategies have been published since 1994 with similar fanfare. The latest […]

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Rugby players cash in on books

The Rugby World Cup has come and passed. New Zealand slayed the dragon, Quade Cooper was average, France are still the most predictably unpredictable team on earth and Peter de Villiers said it was the end of the road, then changed his mind. One would think with the tournament now out the way, the rugby […]