Posted inLifestyle

In need of a little… inspiration

Submitted by Anthea Garman. In what is becoming an interesting Winter School tradition, the Legal Resources Centre convened another panel to talk about the realisation of our constitutional rights. This year it was to discuss our progress on the right to education. The centre invited Mary Metcalfe, head of the Wits School of Education, the […]

Posted inGeneral

Dogma or victory? The Bok dilemma

Einstein once said the definition of lunacy is to repeat the same actions while expecting the results to change. This came to mind as I was reading opinion pieces in print media and online about how Peter de Villiers should go for outright brawn against the Kiwis in the Tri-Nations Tests, something about bullying them […]

Posted inGeneral

Citizen media: Global, independent and rising

I was in the hotel lobby waiting for my room to be ready and madly typing on my computer when a wide-eyed woman peeped around the corner, looked expectantly at me and smiled. I smiled back, and the penny dropped when I overheard her talking about her excitement for the Global Voices Summit that I […]

Posted inLifestyle

A stroke of genius

In November last year I had a mild stroke. You may think of this as a stroke of bad luck, but for me it has been the most incredible experience — both in the minute space of time that it happened, and for what it has meant to me afterwards. We’ve all heard the old […]

Posted inGeneral

Stand up and be a citizen

Submitted by Anthea Garman As a result of chairing 10 Winter School talks (at this point) I’ve started to feel a growing a sense of urgency about being a South African, a citizen and a member of a civil society in need of revival. Just to give you a sense of what’s being said at […]

Posted inGeneral

The politics of being Muslim

Submitted by Julie Posetti “Our Muslims are well behaved and respected … they aren’t like yours.” This was the patronising response I received from one South African when I outlined my research into media coverage of Muslim women in Australia. And, it’s a theme that’s been echoed in conversations with more informed South Africans, with […]

Posted inSport

Who will 2010’s losers be?

Submitted by Thandanani Mhlanga OK, so there we were at Game, every race known to the southern hemisphere. A rare moment indeed — this is Nelspruit, after all, a place where the winds of change hadn’t fully reached yet at the time. But there we were, washing detergent forgotten, glued to the different screens at […]